Villa Del Prado Oriental Rug Collection
August 2018 - Page III

Photos of some of the tribal rugs in the magnificent collection from Villa Del Prado.
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Rugs marked with an asterisk ( * ) are my personal favorites
Pointing to any photo will bring up a caption describing the shot.
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Beluchi saddlebags




Yomut *



Hazara/Chuval tentbag

Shiraz bag

Turkish pillow bag

Kerman Afshar Flat-weave *

Meshad Soumak Kilim

19th C NW Persian bagface *

Yomut Torba

Qashqai Tent Band

Belgian tapesty depicting a middle eastern marketplace
Click for closeup of central portion

Click on any photo to see it closer up

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See all our rugs on these pages:
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Page I of our formal rug collection
Page II of our formal rug collection
Page III - our tribal rug collection
Some oriental rugs we have for sale
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